Ruling on Vasectomy


As-salaamu alaykum Mufti   What is the ruling on Vasectomy?   Shukran
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته


  1. The Shari’ah prohibits any medication or procedure that results in the permanent prevention of a male or female from having children. Both Imams Bukhari and Muslim narrated from the Prophet that he prohibited castration. Subsequently, scholars deduced that any procedure leading to a permanent prevention of pregnancy, or the permanent removal of sexual arousal is impermissible.
  2. However, in cases of necessity, where such procedures are required to save one’s life or protect one from further harm, they would be considered permissible. The established maxim states, “instances of necessity render the impermissible permissible.”
  3. Consequently, the International Fiqh Academy has reached a resolution that all forms of permanent contraception are impermissible, by consensus, with the exception of cases of necessity.

والله تعالى أعلم

And Allāh knows best


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