MJC (SA) Fatwa Department Members
Most of our members have been serving on the Fatwa Committee for well over ten years and carry a wealth of knowledge and years of experience with them. All our members are actively involved in serving the community. They are on the ground and dealing with societal challenges daily. Accordingly, they serve with an ever-present “finger on the pulse”, which affords them the insight to apply a holistic approach when issuing guidance to the public.
Committee Members
Mufti Abdurragmaan Khan
Shaykh Abdurragmaan Khan is the Mufti of the Muslim Judicial Council and the Rector of …
Sh/Qadi Mogammad Philander
Born in Cape Town, South Africa completed his Hifth under his father shaykh shaheed philander …
Mln Siraaj Girie
Mln Completed his ῌifẓ under the tutelage of Sh Ismail Londt. He then completed his …
Mln Mohammad Carr
Maulana Muhammad Carr completed Quranic memorization at Dār al-`Ulum Zakariyyah in 1997. He has a …
Sh Ebraheem Moos
Son of Sh. Ganief Moos and completed Hifz under him. Graduate: Ma’had al-Fath al-Islami (Damascus) …
Sh Muneer Abduraouf
Shaykh Muneer Abduroaf is a senior lecturer at the University of the Western Cape Faculty …
Sh Nabeel Majiet
Sheikh attended Waterfall Islamic Institute ( Mias farm) from 1987 – 1991. Completed hifz by …
Research Assistants
Sh Yusuf Philander
Shaykh Yusuf Philander graduated from Al-Azhar University in 2005 in Islamic Law and Contemporary Law. …
Mln Anees Omar
Maulana Anees Omar has memorized the Qur’an and received sanad in the narrations of Ḥafṣ …