I said Talaaq, Talaaq. Is my wife divorced?


I said Talaaq, Talaaq. Is my wife divorced?

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

  1. A valid divorce requires one to address his wife saying, “You are divorced” or “I divorce you,” emphasis on “you.”
  2. In the detailed report you shared from both spouses, there is an agreement that in both instances, the husband only said, “Talaq, Talaq” or “Divorce, divorce.” His pronouncement of “divorce, divorce” without attributing it to his wife is considered lagw (null and void). [Shirbini, Mugni al-Muhtaj]
  3. Consequently, if his utterance of the word divorce was as they described, then the divorce was not valid and they are still married.

والله تعالى أعلم

And Allāh knows best

النصوص المستندة إليها

 مغني المحتاج (خطيب الشربيني) جــ 3  صـــ 370

ولو حذف المفعول، كأن قال: طلّقتُ، أو المبتدأ وحرف النداء، كأن قال: طالق، لم يقع الطلاق كما هو ظاهر كلامهم، وصرح به القفال في الأولى



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