Ḥanafī and Shāfiʿī ʿAṣr time


Assalamu Alaykum I have a question with regards to math’habs. My wife and I need some clarity on the topic of math’hab or school of thought. I have been brought up according to the Imaam Shaafi school of thought and she has been brought up according to Imaam Ghanafi school of thought. However, at the time of Salaah for Asr, there is given two times… Ghanafi is normally a bit later. With that said, I tend to end up performing my salaah on my own and she later according to Imaam Ghanafi time. Could Sheik please advise me the correct way forward as I am of the opinion that we needs to perform our salaah together if and when we are at home or together?(at work being the exception). Shukran for the time taken to attend to my question.

With regards to your query, please be informed of the following:

  1. As a rule, the time for ʿAṣr is to be calculated from the length of an object’s shadow after it has reached its minimum length at midday.
  2. The Shāfiʿī madhhab takes the position that when the shadow of an object grows to the same length as the object itself, minus the shadow it happened to have at midday, the time for ʿAṣr sets in.
  3. In the Ḥanafī madhhab there are two views.
    • One view concurs with the position of the Shāfiʿī madhhab.
    • The other requires the shadow to grow to twice the length of the object. It is this second view which causes a later ʿAṣr Ḥanafī time.
  4. A number of very eminent Ḥanafī jurists are known to have preferred the view that conforms to the Shāfiʿī position.
  5. As such it would be in order and acceptable for your wife to join you for ʿAṣr at the earlier time.

والله تعالى أعلم

And Allah knows best.

MT Karaan


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