Using interest for traffic fines


Assalaamu Alaykum,   I am 30 years old and work in the financial industry, as a result we are forced to take out a savings account that incurs interest (unhalaal). Am I allowed to use this interest to pay off traffic fines? If not, what am I allowed to do with this interest?

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

  1. The opinion that permits the payment of traffic fine with interest is based upon the contention that the levying of traffic fines is an injustice.
  2. We do not agree with this view. In our view, traffic fines are not inherently unjust.
  3. Any motorised society requires rules to govern conduct and protect lives on public roads; and the successful implementation of any set of rules hinges upon punitive measures being imposed on violation.
  4. The preservation of life, which is one of the chief objectives of traffic rules, is one of the higher purposes (maqāṣid) of the Sharīʿah.
  5. Interest, and all other types of ḥarām funds that have come into one’s possession should be disposed of in the following manner:
    • When the rightful owner is known, it should returned to him.
    • Where the rightful owner is not known, it should be given in charity on behalf of the rightful owner, either to a public institution, or to a poor person.
  6. Using interest funds to pay one’s traffic fines amounts to utilising ḥarām funds to one’s own personal benefit. This is not permissible.

والله تعالى أعلم
And Allah knows best.


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