السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
1. Opinions differ around the permissibility of removing part of the eyebrows with the husband’s permission. The view taken in the Shāfiʿī madhhab is that it would be permissible for a married woman whose husband has permitted it.
2. Opinions similarly differ around the use of artificial eyelash extensions that are neither impure nor originate from human hair. The carried view is that they are permissible for a married woman with her husband’s permission.
3. However, the attachment of such extensions should ideally not entail the use of any adhesive that would prevent water from reaching either skin or hair during wuḍū and ghusl. If they do, the adhesive would have to be removed every time wuḍū or ghusl needs to be made.
4. Having said that, it should be kept in mind that cases like these could possibly involve the curse of Allah, the difference among the ʿulamā notwithstanding.
5. In such cases it is always advisable to err on the side of caution. Erring on the side of caution in this instance would be to abstain from any removal or plucking of the eyebrows or use of eyelash extensions.
وﷲ تعالى أعلم
And Allah knows best.
(Issued: 22-07-2017)